
Surf Forecast for Taranaki!

This surf report is sponsored by Vertigo Surf. Please support us by buying gear from our online surf shop Click or tap images to zoom in.


Mobile Users: click the black arrow on the left of the surf forecast to see what the numbers mean. 

Surf Cams in Taranaki

Images refresh every minute, so hit the refresh to get an updated image. We now have a surf forecast on this page thanks to Wind Guru. Brought to you with help from the lovely people at Primo.


Belt Road and Town

East End Surf Lifesaving Club

East End & Boulder Bay

East End Surf Lifesaving Club

Fitzroy Beach Taranaki

Fitzroy Beach. West. (N.P. Surf Riders Club)
Fitzroy Beach. East. (N.P. Surf Riders Club)

The Taranaki Coast near Stent Rd

Bailey Road Taranaki looking South West
Bailey Road looking North West
Bailey Road looking North West

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