When the swell picks
up so should the length
of your leash. Waves up
to 10ft.
Wave Size: 10ft (3.0m)
Cord Dia. : 9⁄32” (7mm)
Strap : 50mm Padded
When the swell picks
up so should the length
of your leash. Waves up
to 10ft.
Wave Size: 10ft (3.0m)
Cord Dia. : 9⁄32” (7mm)
Strap : 50mm Padded
Product Information OVERVIEW: Mick Fanning’s large signature FCS II fin for fast powerful surfing. GEOMETRY: Elogated template with high sweep, full tip with dynamic flex, bevelled leading edge and flat foil on the side fins. FIN MATERIAL: Performance Core PERFORMANCE: For power surfers who like to snap hard off the top and carve long roundhouse cutbacks, this fin provides maximum drive. CONDITIONS: Open face, down-the-line waves, particularly good in point and reef breaks. BOARD TYPES:…
Large numbers of surfers, swimmers and water sports enthusiasts suffer from ear problems associated with excessive exposure to the elements. Ear infections and the dreaded “surfers ear” is a condition on the rise with increasing numbers seeking medical attention and ear surgery. Surf Ears 2.0® is a revolutionary new product developed by a team of professional product designers and dedicated surfers from Sweden. SurfEars recognised that the critical difference between Surf Ears and other earplug…
CREATURES OF LEISURE FOIL Waist COIL 8 Creatures RELIANCE FOIL COIL WAIST leash specifically designed for foil-surfing. Combines premium materials with durable construction, rock-solid cords you can depend on. SPECS Leash length = 2.4m (8”) Cord thickness = 7mm (9/32”) Cuff width = 65mm (2.5”) Max Circumference = 1260mm (49.6”) SUREFIRE LEASH RELEASE Injection Moulded Urethane Surefire Release Tag with moulded holes – Holes ALLOW water flow & reduce the weight of the cuff DNA…