Surf Ears

Showing all 2 results

Showing all 2 results

Large numbers of surfers, swimmers and water sports enthusiasts suffer from ear problems associated with excessive exposure to the elements. Ear infections and the dreaded “surfers ear” is a condition on the rise with increasing numbers seeking medical attention and ear surgery. Surf Ears 2.0® is a revolutionary new product developed by a team of professional product designers and dedicated surfers from Sweden. SurfEars recognised that the critical difference between Surf Ears and other earplug…

Surfing Ear Plug that Protect Your Ears, And The Planet Surfing is more than just waves and a board – it’s about being in tune with the ocean. To stay connected and protect your ears, the right gear matters. The surfing ear plugs from SurfEars keeps water out while letting sound in, preventing ear infections and surfer’s ear without compromising your hearing. SurfEars 4.0 builds on this with enhanced durability and a new wingless option,…

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