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Firewire ENDORFINS KS1 FIN SET Designed by 11 time world champ “Kelly Slater” Designed by 11 time world champ “Kelly Slater” KS1 — Medium  FRONT         CENTER B  — 113.5mm      B —109mm H — 116.5mm     H — 113mm KS1 — Quad Rears B- 98mm H – 106mm A better build – innovative carbon inlays in Endorfins add strength and flex that enable them to be built with a core comprised…

Description The design story of the Seaside Quad began with the Go Fish in around 2016. I rode the Go Fish with keel fins. I’ve always loved keel fins. And at the time, I had never loved quads. I had never even really ridden quads before 2018. Sometime in early 2018, I began synthesizing the Go Fish board model into what would become the Seaside board model, and I had a moment where I recognized…

The first set of keels I rode were on a Skip Frye fish around the time we were filming Seedling – they were hand foiled Larry Gephart fins that I think were referred to as ‘straight backs’. Basically, they looked like plywood that someone cut out and foiled; they were beautiful. And that’s what originally sparked my imagination as far as fishes and keels go.  I got into experimenting with variety of fish shapes shortly…

The ‘Twin + 2’ is Kelly Slater’s latest addition to his ENDORFINS fin line – a Twin Fin set packaged with two separate trailing options for the thruster box. From Kelly: “I started surfing on twin fins and obviously as surfing transitioned in the early 80’s to thrusters, I went along with it. Over the years I have dabbled in twin fins, but only recently have I spent much time really refining board and fin designs for…

The Machado 2 + 1 Fin Set is Rob Machado’s Twin plus trailer template designed specifically for his most versatile hybrid yet, the Machadocado. Starting from a more upright, performance template rather than a keel, this template enables tight turns and extreme control, while still providing the drive of a thruster. It has the glide and slide of a twin fin with the added transitional control provided by a small rear trailer, the Machado 2 +…

The Tomo Max Keel is Daniel Thomson’s twin template that offers the trim of a keel with the response of a twin. Tight radius turns in the trough and clean control across the face, this template is Tomo’s ultimate Twin Keel shape, crafted from a blend of traditional keel templates and performance twins. This template has more surface area than any Twin fin, and less surface area than any Keel fin. The Tomo Max Keel…

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